Enrolment Form

Please make sure you fill out all forms, after you finish each page you will automatically be redirected to the next. You will get a success message at the end once enrolment is successful.

Student Information


Tick one or more boxes

Learning & Behavioural Support

Other Details

Sibling Information

Student Lives With?

Parent/Caregiver Information

Caregiver 1

Caregiver 2

Emergency Contact (Other than Above)


I / We also agree to the following:

1. Requesting relevant information from other schools for enrolment purposes

2. Forwarding relevant information to another school for enrolment purposes

3. Forwarding relevant information to other institutions for the purpose of qualifications entry

3. Forwarding relevant information to other institutions for the purpose of qualifications entry

4. Using information for statistical purposes

5. Using our daughter’s name and photo on the school website and other school publications

6. I / we agree to our daughter / ward complying with all school rules and policies including uniform, attendance, extra-curricular/sports fees

7. To pay any fees or levies set, and for any careless damage of school property.

8. I agree that any information can be obtained and disclosed under the Privacy Act 1993.

Error: You have already have an account in our system. If you need to generate a new password you can do this from the login page.

* Please fill out all required fields

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