Intranet and eLearning Resources Acceptable Use Agreement For Students

Dear Parent/Caregiver

Rotorua Girls’ High School’s Intranet and eLearning Resources (e.g. internet, digital and video cameras and computers) are available to students. However, before being granted access to the Rotorua Girls’ High School intranet and eLearning resources, all students must have the permission of their parent/caregiver. Both you and your daughter/ward must sign below as evidence of your approval and their acceptance of the rules of access.

Please click here to read the following requirements and discuss them with your daughter/ward, then complete and submit the permission section.


The use of computers at Rotorua Girls’ High School must support education and research that is consistent with the Learning Outcomes of the curriculum. Transmission of any material in violation of any New Zealand Regulations is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Copyrighted material; or
  • Threatening material; or
  • Obscene material; or
  • Material protected by trade secrets.

When using a global information system such as the internet, it is possible that students may find material on the internet that parents/caregivers considered objectionable. It is not always possible for Rotorua Girls’ High School to filter or screen all material, which is inappropriate. Although students will be supervised when they use the internet, this does not guarantee that students’ will not access inappropriate materials.

Parents/caregivers are encouraged to discuss responsible use of the internet with their children and how this responsibility includes using the internet at school, as well as from home.


Rotorua Girls’ High School teachers and Principal will deem what is appropriate use.

  • Any user identified as a security risk or having a history of violations with any services provided by Rotorua Girls’ High School may be denied access to the Rotorua Girls’ High School internet. It may also involve the student being stood-down or suspended.
  • The IT Manager and/or Principal reserve the right, at their sole discretion, to suspend or terminate the student’s access to, and the use of, the Rotorua Girls’ High School intranet upon any breach of “Acceptable Use” by the student. Prior to a suspension or termination, or as soon after as is practicable, the IT Manager and/or Principal will inform the student of the suspected breach and give the student and parents/caregivers an opportunity to present an explanation.
  • If there are grounds to investigate the inappropriate use of ICT the staff reserves the right to collect evidence for the purposes of establishing a breach of this Agreement including electronic communication, and to lay a complaint with the Police, Netsafe and internet companies, such as Facebook, Google etc. that manage this systems.
  • If this action results in results in any financial costs to the school, such as, the use of a professional person to rectify the action, the parent/caregiver will receive an invoice for the amount of the services and/or repairs.

The following are some examples of inappropriate use of Rotorua Girls’ High School resources and are strictly prohibited. This is not an all-inclusive list:

  • Supporting or accessing sites that promote hate language, harassment or threats.
  • Supporting or accessing sites that ridicule others on the basis of race, creed, religion, sex, disability or nationality.
  • Misleading someone into believing you are acting in an official capacity.
  • Using any software that allows your computer to be shared outside the Rotorua Girls’ High School firewall without first obtaining approval from the IT Manager.
  • Creating and/or forwarding chain letters and mass mailings.
  • Violating license and other company related contract provisions, particular those that expose Rotorua Girls’ High School to legal costs and/or damages.
  • Using software, such as password-cracking tools, vulnerability scanners, and network sniffers, without the express written consent of the IT Manager.
  • Storing any material on the Rotorua Girls’ High School serve that may infringe The New Zealand Copyright Act 1994.
  • Accessing or attempting access to inappropriate, age restricted, or objectionable material.


Vandalism will result in cancellation of privileges as well as other sanctions (see Inappropriate Use). Vandalism includes any malicious attempt to harm, modify or destroy computer hardware or data of another user, any attempt to degrade or disrupt system or network performance and internet use that includes, but is not limited to, the uploading or creation of computer viruses.

If equipment/data is damaged and/or stolen, a parent/caregiver will receive an invoice for the amount of the replacement item and/or services provided to rectify the issue.


Intellectual Property refers to any image/video and/or design used/created to represent Rotorua Girls’ High School. Any of the above created during school activities remains the property of Rotorua Girls’ High School.


You will need to think of a password that has strong protection qualities. Your password must consist of eight or more characters that are a combination of letters, numbers, and a special character (e.g. ! @#$%^&*?).

It is prohibited to write, share or distribute your password to others for security reasons. If other students know your password, you will also be solely responsible for their actions as well.


On the following pages there are three agreements:

  • Acceptable Use Agreement
  • Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Agreement
  • Digital Citizenship Agreement

This agreement must be accepted to by student and parent/caregiver to indicate the consent to the conditions of each agreement.


As a school user of Rotorua Girls’ High School Intranet and e-learning Resources, I understand and will abide by the Rotorua Girls High School rules on the use of ICT technologies. In agreeing to this, I (the student) accept the following:

  1. I agree to comply with the school rules on acceptable use of Rotorua Girls’ High School’s intranet and e-learning resources and on the rules and prohibitions on unacceptable use.
  2. I agree that all my communication via any technological device and internet system (either in school or on personal ICT devices) will not be used to humiliate, degrade, harass, threaten, offend or defame any person, including fellow students and staff of the school even if it is meant as a joke.
  3. I agree that I will not use Information Communication Technology to undermine the good name and reputation of the school.
  4. I agree that I will not post any material which is offensive, discriminatory or incites hatred or puts any member of the school community at risk (e.g. bullying or harassment).
  5. I accept that any breach of conditions '2', '3' or '4' of this agreement may be deemed 'gross misconduct' for the purposes of a stand down or suspension under the Education Act 1989.
  6. I accept that any breach may also result in my removal from a leadership position (or not being considered for one), or may result in the school not recommending me for a scholarship or to a tertiary institution, employer or external programme, including not providing a reference.

The school recognises your right to privacy and freedom of expression and undertakes not to disclose any information about you or your communication except that which is in breach of conditions.

Breaching this Agreement (or any involvement in such a breach) may result in my access to the computing and technology resources at Rotorua Girls’ High School being withdrawn, which could make me ineligible to continue studying a particular subject. I understand that my parents may be informed if I breach this agreement.


As a parent/ caregiver of the above student, I have read the Rotorua Girls’ High School document on the use of Intranet and e-Learning resources and the Acceptable Use Agreement. My child has read the document and understands his I her obligations. I give my permission to allow Internet access for my child. I understand that access is designed for educational purposes and that students can be held accountable for their own actions. I also understand that some material on the Internet may be objectionable. Rotorua Girls’ High School will take appropriate measures to limit access to illegal, dangerous and/ or inappropriate material and I accept responsibility for setting standards for my child to follow when using email and the Internet.

I understand if my child steals or damages equipment, this will result in an invoice for the cost or replacement parts and repairs and any other associated costs. I also understand this agreement applies to communication technologies my child may bring into the school environment.


I want my child to bring their own digital device to school for use in the classroom learning programme. I understand:

  • All devices brought to school are my child's responsibility and the insurance for the device is my responsibility.
  • All devices must arrive at school each day fully charged.
  • Devices are only to be used under adult supervision. They are not to be used at break times and all use is at the teacher's discretion.
  • Devices brought to school are for the use of my child. Any sharing is at my child's discretion.
  • Teachers will encourage the use of personal digital devices whenever possible and students will be able to use them for homework activities.
  • Rules, including the cyber-safety policies, governing the use of any school-owned digital device will apply to student-owned devices, while they are at school, including adherence to the Copyright Act.


When I use ICT's both at school and at home I have responsibilities and rules to follow. I agree to:

  • Be a safe user whenever and wherever I use that technology
  • Be responsible whenever and wherever I use technology and support others by being respectful in how I talk to and work with them and never write or participate in online bullying. This includes forwarding messages and supporting others in harmful, inappropriate or hurtful online behaviour.
  • Report to an adult if I feel unsafe or uncomfortable online or see a friend being unsafe or being made to feel uncomfortable by others

When at school I agree to:

  • Behave in a way outlined in the school's Digital Citizenship Agreement when online or using mobile technology.
  • Keep myself and my friends safe by not giving out personal details including full names, telephone numbers, addresses and images and protecting my password.
  • Use the technology at school for learning, use the equipment properly and not interfere with the work or data of another student.
  • Remember that the content on the web is someone's property and ask my teacher or a parent/caregiver to help me get permission in I want to use information or pictures.
  • Think carefully about what I read on the internet, question if it is from a reliable source and use the information to help me answer any questions (I should not copy and paste the information as my answer)
  • Talk to my teacher or another adult if:
    – I need help online
    – I am not sure what I should be doing on the internet
    – I come across sites that are not suitable
    – Someone writes something that I don't like, or makes me and my friends feel uncomfortable or asks me to provide information that I know is private
    – I feel that the welfare of other students at the school is being threatened

When I use any device I agree to:

  • Use it as requested for learning purposes as directed by my teacher
  • Be responsible in my use and not use the device to find, create or send information that might be harmful, inappropriate or hurtful to me or anyone else.
  • Be entirely responsible for the security of the device at all times.
  • When using any approved device as a camera I will:
    – Only take photos and record sound or video when it is part of a class or lesson
    – Seek permission from individuals involved PRIOR to taking photos, recording sound or videoing them (including teachers)
    – Seek written permission from individuals involved PRIOR to publishing or sending photos, recorded sound or video to anyone else or to any online space
  • Be respectful in how I talk to and work with others online and never write or participate in online bullying

This policy applies to students during school excursions, camps and extra-curricular activities. I have read and agree to follow these rules. I understand that my access to the internet and technology at school may be withdrawn if I do not act in accordance to these rules.

Please accept the following agreement. Some statements relate to the agreement details above.

Home and Wi-Fi/Internet Access

Acceptable Use Student Agreement

Dual Citizenship Agreement

Acceptable Use Parent/Caregiver Agreement

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